
River Transportation

The River Gambia has historically been an important waterway for transportation in West Africa, especially in countries like,The Gambia and parts of Senegal and Guinea. It spans approximately 1,130 kilometers (700 miles) from its source in the Fouta Djallon Highlands of Guinea to its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean.

The River For Agricultural Purposes

This Project Circle project aims at utilising the river to fully boost the countrie’s Agricultural sector. With this the river tributes that run at the sides would be dredge back to land, dead tribute would be brought to life for agricultural purposes.

Fishing for Change

The Project Circle Fisheries Project aims at fully utilising the countries fisheries resources, its is of our concern that the countries fisheries sector is mainly dominated by foreign fishing trolwers as well as fishing boats from neighboring countries.

The Great River Canal

This project aims at transforming the great river canal which starts from Kotu point at the Atlantic Ocean and runs through the busy towns of Kotu,Bakoteh,London Coner,Sukuta,Bundung,Jola Kunda,Sukuta,Nema,Latrikunda,Abuka to Lamin Bridge.